Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thunder,Lightening,Turbans and Chai

Recently Stu and I were invited to a superb party in Deep Cove with an Indian theme. It was such a great way to celebrate the Indian culture and the Thomas' went all out.

Tables were dressed in gorgeous Indian fabric.....centre pieces filled with beautifully arranged roses. A chai tea house was waiting for guests to sit in the comfy chairs while enjoying their tea to candle light. Guests were dressed in beautiful saris, salwar suits and other Indian styled outfits.

Just as the final guests were arriving thunder struck, lightening flashed and the skies opened up.

We all commented that we hadn't seen anything like this for many years. The great party went on, but only after we dashed around to rescue as much as we could before the rain.

Here are a few of the photos from that fun night!


Leslie said...

It was quite a night indeed! Great orchid shot!

Leslie said...

I would love to see some of your terrific shots of the roses, Carolita, if possible. Others would enjoy them too.

Unknown said...

Oh wow Car and Leslie...what a fun time...sorry the skies opened.

I loved all the outfits...especially Mr. Stu with the upturned shoes!

Susan said...

What a wonderful & celebratory concept! Love all the colours behind the serene Stuardo.
The orchid shot is beautiful, Carol.